Lane Splitting Laws (1)

Is Lane Splitting Legal in Ohio?

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Lane splitting is the practice of using a vehicle’s front wheels to travel outside a traffic lane on a roadway with two or more lanes of traffic traveling in the same direction. Many drivers use lane splitting to avoid traffic jams and because it can be safer than driving in the traffic lane.

So, Is It Legal in Ohio?

Lane splitting is not legal in Ohio, however, it is not legal. You can be pulled over and given a ticket for lane splitting if you are seen by law enforcement officers driving at a speed that is greater than the posted limit. Lane splitting is not technically illegal in Ohio, but it is effectively illegal because it violates other rules of the road.

What About Lane Sharing?

The law is very clear. If you ride more than 2 feet away from the curb, you are violating the law.

Two motorcyclists can ride in the same lane, but not at the same time. If one rider moves into the lane, the other must move out.

In my opinion, lane sharing should be legalized everywhere. In fact, I believe that lane sharing should be legal in all states. It’s not a dangerous practice and it’s an incredibly effective way to save time.

It is perfectly legal for two people to share the same lane on a motorcycle. However, the road rules and regulations state that you cannot ride in a single file line with more than one person. The reason for this is that the center of the road is meant for vehicles and not people. When two people are riding side by side on a motorcycle, there is only half of the road is open to traffic.

Future of Lane Splitting in Ohio

The future of lane splitting in Ohio is uncertain. It’s up to the state legislature to make the final decision. Currently, there are bills in the Ohio Senate and House of Representatives that would legalize lane splitting. But, there are also bills that would ban it. I’m not sure which way the vote will go, but I do know that it will be an interesting debate.

As the number of lane-splitting riders has increased, there have been more accidents, deaths, and injuries. If lane splitting were legal in Ohio, many riders would be safer and the roads would be better. As a result, the Ohio House of Representatives held a hearing on March 9, 2016, to discuss legislation to legalize lane splitting. A bill was proposed but it never made it out of committee.

Penalties for Lane Splitting in Ohio

Lane splitting is legal in most states but you should know the rules if you want to be safe and avoid being ticketed or having your license suspended.

The bottom line is that lane splitting is illegal. It is not safe, nor is it recommended. If you are caught lane splitting, you will likely be fined, and possibly even lose your license.

Arguments For and Against Lane Splitting in Ohio

Lane splitting in Ohio has been illegal since a 2007 law made it a misdemeanor offense for motorcyclists to ride in the same lane as cars unless they are passing or turning. In recent years, several cases of motorcyclists being ticketed for lane-splitting have sparked debate over whether the practice is legal or unsafe. But the debate has not moved the state legislature to change the law.

The truth is that lane splitting has been legal for years. The problem is that drivers don’t know about this law, and that is why the state of Ohio passed legislation to make lane splitting illegal. The Ohio State Patrol’s Traffic Safety Bulletin shows that there were almost 4,000 motorcycle accidents in Ohio in 2020. That is almost one accident every two days.

Final Thoughts

There is no question that lane splitting is a controversial issue. While some people believe that it is dangerous and should be illegal, others believe that it is a way to save time by moving faster, especially when traffic is heavy. In the state of Ohio, however, it seems like the law is on the side of the drivers that are against lane splitting. The law states that it is illegal to lane split, regardless of how fast you are traveling.

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