Lane Splitting Laws (1)

Is Lane Splitting Legal In Florida?

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In Florida, lane splitting is not legal. But there is a law that says that if a motorist is traveling in excess of 50 mph and is about to enter the highway from an intersection, they must yield to traffic entering from that direction. If the motorist is going slower than 50 mph, he or she can pass safely in the passing lane.

Many motorcyclists believe that they are safer by lane splitting, but it can be very dangerous for both you and other motorists. Lane splitting is often done by inexperienced riders and can lead to a crash.

Lane splitting is a common practice among motorcyclists. It is illegal in all states except California. It is legal in California for motorcyclists to use their lane to bypass stopped or slow traffic. However, this practice is not safe, and it can be dangerous to other motorists.

If you’re a motorcyclist, you know that riding with a white line on your rear wheel is illegal. It’s also a dangerous practice, which can lead to a lot of accidents. But the practice is common among motorcyclists because it makes their bikes look cooler.

What Is Lane Splitting?

Motorcycles have their own set of rules when it comes to lane splitting. In Florida, you can only lane split when there are no vehicles within 500 feet of your motorcycle. You must also be traveling at speeds not exceeding 35 mph.

Lane splitting is a growing practice that allows a motorcycle rider to pass other vehicles by riding in the left travel lane. This maneuver is illegal in Florida. If you were injured in a motorcycle accident involving lane splitting, our attorneys could help you seek damages from the liable party.

Under Florida law, lane splitting is not legal unless you are using a motorcycle that has a license plate with a “W” on it. The license plate with the “W” symbol must be attached to your motorcycle at all times.

Motorcycle riding is dangerous and if you are caught riding without a helmet or without a motorcycle license, you could face a fine. If you are interested in learning how to ride a motorcycle but don’t want to risk your life, consider enrolling in a motorcycle training program.

If you are a frequent lane splitter, you may be surprised to learn that you can be cited for this infraction. A citation is issued if you fail to follow all of the rules set out by law enforcement officials. These rules include:

Lane splitting occurs when a motorcycle rider passes a car on the right or left. This practice has been legal in many states since the mid-1970s. However, lane splitting can collide with other vehicles or pedestrians.

If the presence of a motorcycle in between lanes is causing other drivers to suddenly stop and rear-end one another, you may be held liable for injuries sustained by the other drivers if you fail to yield to the motorcyclist. Likewise, if you fail to yield to the motorcyclist and cause him or her to crash, you may be liable for any injuries sustained.

Damages Claimed From An Accident After Lane Splitting

You can only recover from the uninsured motorist portion of your insurance policy if the uninsured motorist was to blame for the collision. The damages must exceed the $15,000.00 policy limit. This does not include medical bills and lost wages, which are already covered under your insurance plan. It is important to note that the law in Florida requires that you notify your insurance company of the accident as soon as possible after it happens.

Florida has a pure comparative fault system in place. This means that if you were at least partially to blame for the accident, you will not be able to recover any of your losses. For example, if you were 50% to blame and the other driver was only 10% at fault, then your damages would be reduced by half.

If you are injured in an accident and your insurance company can prove that you were driving unsafely and causing an accident, then they will use that to deny you coverage. You can appeal the decision, but it will take time and money.

Talking With a Motorcycle Accident Attorney In Florida

A motorcycle accident lawyer can help you obtain compensation for the injuries you sustained in a motorcycle accident, as well as the medical bills you may have incurred.

The Sheftall Law team has decades of combined experience in personal injury law and is committed to protecting the rights of injured individuals. We are here to help you get the compensation that you deserve and to make sure that you are provided with the best legal representation possible.

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