Some states require you to wear a helmet while riding your motorcycle, while others don’t. The best way to find out what the helmet laws are in each state is to check with your local DMV or police department. If you aren’t sure what the helmet laws are in your area, you can check online or call your local police department to ask.
Here in this guide, we are helping you to know state helmet laws.
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States with Motorcycle Helmet Laws

When you ride a motorcycle, it is your responsibility to make sure that you and your passengers are wearing a helmet. However, if you are not wearing a helmet, you are breaking the law. If you are found to be in violation of state motorcycle helmet laws, you could face fines, suspension of your driver’s license, and even jail time.
In most states, it’s illegal to ride a motorcycle without wearing a helmet. It’s not always mandatory for a rider to wear a helmet, but it is recommended that riders wear a helmet while riding. A helmet can protect you from head injuries in an accident, and can also help reduce the risk of head injury in the event of a crash. It can also help prevent injuries from flying debris in the event of a crash.
If you’re under 18 years old, you must wear a helmet while riding a bicycle, motorcycle, ATV, or any motorized vehicle. However, if you are older than that, you can decide whether you want to wear a helmet.
Motorcycle safety is important and if you’re going to ride, you need to wear a helmet. However, you don’t have to wear a helmet in every state. If you are an adult and you are riding in a state that has a motorcycle helmet law, you can choose not to wear a helmet.
You can get a motorcycle license in any state, but you need to be aware of the different laws in each state. Most states have a law that requires you to wear a helmet. Some states, like Alaska, require riders and their passengers to be wearing helmets.
You need to check your state’s laws before you ride. Some states only require wearing a helmet if you are riding with someone else. Some states also require you to wear a helmet while riding on the street, but not on the highway. Also, some states require you to wear a helmet at all times, but some states allow you to wear a helmet only when you are riding on the highway.
Alabama Motorcycle Helmet Laws
The Alabama motorcycle helmet laws are one of the most strict in the United States. In fact, it is one of the only states in the country where you are required to wear a helmet at all times. The reason for this is because of the high rate of motorcycle accidents and fatalities.
Helmets are designed to protect the wearer’s head and face from injury. It is the responsibility of the manufacturer to ensure that the helmet meets all the standards and regulations set forth by the American National Standards Institute (ANSI) and the Consumer Product Safety Commission (CPSC).
The helmet must have a permanently attached adjustable chin strap that holds it securely in place. The law requires all drivers and passengers to have the chin strap secured while the bike is in motion.
Alaska Motorcycle Helmet Laws
It’s important to know the laws that apply to motorcyclists and passengers in Alaska. In addition to wearing a helmet, you must also wear eye protection and chin straps when riding a motorcycle. If you are driving a passenger vehicle and you are under 18 years old, you are not required to wear a helmet, but you must wear eye protection and seatbelts.
Arizona Motorcycle Helmet Laws
Arizona’s motorcycle helmet laws are meant to keep people safe and help reduce injuries and fatalities associated with motorcyclist crashes. Unfortunately, many people don’t follow the law because they either forget to wear a helmet or don’t realize that wearing a helmet is required for riding a motorcycle in Arizona. The law requires that all riders under 18 must wear a helmet that meets the standard safety requirements set by the American National Standards Institute (ANSI).
Arkansas Motorcycle Helmet Laws
There are many states with laws regarding motorcycle helmets. Some require all motorcycle riders to wear helmets, while others only require passengers under the age of 21 to wear helmets. Other states have no helmet laws at all.
Safety is the most important thing. Make sure that everyone wears protective eyewear and follows all traffic laws.
California Motorcycle Helmet Laws
California requires that all riders wear a motorcycle helmet. However, not all helmets are created equal. In order for a helmet to meet California’s safety standards, it must be tested by a nationally recognized agency. If you’re in California, make sure you buy a motorcycle helmet from a reputable dealer.
Colorado Motorcycle Helmet Laws
Motorcycle riders should be aware that there are different helmet laws in the state of Colorado. The DOT has established regulations that require all riders 18 years to wear helmets while riding a motorcycle.
You should always wear your chin strap whenever you drive or ride in a vehicle.
If you’re riding a motorcycle, you’re already required to wear a helmet, but it’s important to remember that there are additional laws that govern riders under the age of 18. The DOT has established a standard for motorcycle helmets that you must meet in order to be allowed to ride in Colorado.
The DOT has established minimum standards for motorcycle helmets to ensure that all riders have the same protection. The helmet law applies to drivers and passengers who are 18 and under. Children under 18 must also wear a protective helmet when on the bike.
Delaware Motorcycle Helmet Laws
In most states, it is illegal for anyone under the age of 19 to ride a motorcycle without wearing a safety helmet and eye protection. If you are over 19, it is your responsibility to make sure that you are wearing these items while you are on a motorcycle.
Florida Motorcycle Helmet Laws
While Florida’s helmet law is a bit complicated, it can be easy to understand. If you are 21 years old or older and are covered by an insurance policy that provides at least $10, 000 in medical benefits for motorcycle-related injuries, then the helmet law policy does not apply.
It’s no secret that many motorcycle accidents occur when a rider fails to wear protective eyewear. If you ride a motorcycle, you’re required by law to wear a helmet and have your eyes protected by glasses or goggles. However, there is one exception to this law: if you ride in a sidecar, you’re not subject to these safety requirements. Sidecar riding is a fun and safe way to travel, but it is important to follow the rules and use the appropriate equipment.
Hawaii Motorcycle Helmet Laws
The safety of our children is something we must all work hard to protect. The same goes for Motorcycle Helmet Hawaii Laws, they state it is important for people below 18 years should wear a helmet and fasten the chin strap.
Idaho Motorcycle Helmet Laws
Idaho law requires motorcycle riders and passengers under 18 to wear helmets that are equal to or better than the standard established by the Director of Motor Vehicles. If you are riding on public roads, however, you don’t need to wear a helmet unless you are wearing a DOT-approved motorcycle helmet.
Illinois Motorcycle Helmet Laws
In Illinois, drivers and passengers are not required to wear helmets. However, if you ride a motorcycle, you must wear eye protection. You also need to follow all traffic laws and obey posted speed limits.
Indiana Motorcycle Helmet Laws
In Indiana, only drivers and passengers under 18 are required to wear a helmet and protective eyewear or face shields to protect themselves from any accident.
Iowa Motorcycle Helmet Laws
Iowa does not have any motorcycle helmet laws. Motorcyclists can decide whether they don’t want to wear a helmet or not.
Kentucky Motorcycle Helmet Laws
In 2009, there were 2,965 fatal motorcycle crashes in Kentucky. Of those, 2,856 (97%) involved alcohol. For this reason, the Govt has stated the law of wearing a helmet for people under 21 years. It is also important for a rider to hold a license for more than a year. Regardless of age, you need to wear eye protection every day. Eye protection can save your vision and prevent permanent damage to your eyes due to any mishappening.
Louisiana Motorcycle Helmet Laws
In Louisiana, every rider is supposed to wear a helmet regardless of their age. Also, it is important to fasten the chin strap while riding.
Maine Motorcycle Helmet Laws
Maine is a state with a lot of great outdoor activities. One of the best things to do in the state is to enjoy the beautiful scenery while riding a motorcycle. However, if you are planning to ride in the state, it’s important to know the laws that govern the use of motorcycle helmets. The following is a list of the laws in Maine that relate to motorcycle helmets.
- All passengers under 18 years old must wear a helmet when riding in a vehicle.
- Also, people who have a riding permit or a license for a year must wear a helmet.
Maryland Motorcycle Helmet Laws
In Maryland, every rider and passenger is required to wear a helmet. It is also a compulsion to wear eye protection if the bike is not equipped with a windscreen.
Massachusetts Motorcycle Helmet Laws
The Massachusetts Department of Transportation (MassDOT) is responsible for enforcing the laws related to motorcycle helmets. It requires all riders and passengers to wear a helmet. Motorcyclists who don’t wear a helmet are fined. There are also fines for those riding without a passenger, driving without a license, and riding without a current license.
Michigan Motorcycle Helmet Laws
The first state in the country to require all motorcyclists to wear a helmet, Michigan’s helmet law was put into place in 1965. However, it wasn’t until 2005 that the requirement became effective. Motorcyclists who are under the age of 21 must wear a DOT-approved motorcycle helmet with a chin strap. They also must be wearing a properly fitting helmet. Riders 21 and older must wear a DOT-approved motorcycle helmet.
Minnesota Motorcycle Helmet Laws
Minnesota law requires motorcycle helmets for all riders, even those who are under 18 years old. Additionally, all riders under the age of 18, regardless of their license status, are required to wear a helmet.
The safety of your passengers is paramount when driving. This includes wearing protective eyewear such as glasses or sunglasses. The Minnesota Department of Public Safety’s website provides more information about this and other important safety rules for drivers.
Mississippi Motorcycle Helmet Laws
Every driver and passenger who is riding a motorcycle is required to wear a helmet.
Missouri Motorcycle Helmet Laws
Motorcyclists have one of the highest rates of head injuries in the country, and yet many do not wear helmets. Helmet laws exist to protect all motorcyclists, including riders who are under the age of 26 or who hold an instructional permit. The law also requires that all passengers wear a helmet. The law does not apply to drivers who are over 26 or to passengers who are not wearing a helmet.
Montana Motorcycle Helmet Laws
Every driver and passenger who are under 18 must wear a helmet. Helmets meet the standards of the state’s Department of Justice.
Nebraska Motorcycle Helmet Laws
It is mandatory for all motorcycle riders to wear a motorcycle helmet. The only exception is if you are under 18 years old, if you are not licensed to drive, or if your motorcycle is a scooter. It is illegal for a passenger to ride on the back of a motorcycle without wearing a helmet.
Nevada Motorcycle Helmet Laws
If you’re planning on riding your motorcycle in Nevada, it’s important that you know the helmet laws in the state. Nevada helmet law states all riders and passengers are supposed to wear a helmet and eyewear while riding.
New Hampshire Motorcycle Helmet Laws
There are no Motorcycle helmet laws in New Hampshire.
New Jersey Motorcycle Helmet Laws
If you have been riding motorcycles for a while, you know that wearing a helmet is an important part of safety. New Jersey’s Department of Motor Vehicles has strict rules about motorcycle helmets. All drivers and passengers are required to wear a helmet that meets the safety standards set by the department. In addition to the safety requirements, all helmets must be equipped with either a neck or chin strap. The helmet must also be reflectorized on both sides.
New Mexico Motorcycle Helmet Laws
People who are under 18 years are required to wear a helmet while riding.
New York Motorcycle Helmet Laws
IN New York, if you are planning to ride a motorcycle always remember to wear a helmet. The State law requires all riders and passengers to wear a helmet, regardless of age. Also, it is required to wear eyewear and a face shield in New York.
North Carolina Motorcycle Helmet Laws
All riders and passengers are supposed to wear a helmet while riding in North Carolina.
Ohio Motorcycle Helmet Laws
Drivers under 18 years old must wear a helmet. Every rider regardless of age must have a license to ride a motorcycle.
Ohio is one of the first states to pass legislation requiring motorcycle riders to wear helmets. The reason for this is that there are so many injuries that occur each year when motorcycle riders fail to wear a helmet. Some of these injuries include skull fractures, brain damage, and even death.
Oklahoma Motorcycle Helmet Laws
Oklahoma law requires drivers and passengers under 18 to wear helmets. It is important to wear a helmet that has chin straps and padding. Also, make sure the rider wears the face shield if the motorcycle is not equipped with a windshield.
Oregon Motorcycle Helmet Laws
If you’re traveling on a motorcycle, always wear a helmet in Oregon regardless of your age. We recommend that you wear a DOT-compliant helmet that fits properly.
Pennsylvania Motorcycle Helmet Laws
The laws are quite confusing, but here is what I understand: A passenger under 21 years old is not required to wear a helmet if they are not riding on the back of the bike. A passenger over 21 years old is not required to wear a helmet if they are not riding on the back of the bike. If the rider is required to wear a helmet, then the passenger must wear one as well.
Rhode Island Motorcycle Helmet Laws
The laws regarding motorcycle helmet use vary from state to state. Rhode Island requires all drivers to wear helmets while others only require drivers under the age of 21 to wear them. It is also a compulsion to wear eye protection always while riding.
South Carolina Motorcycle Helmet Laws
In South Carolina, motorcycle riders must wear helmets. The law requires that all motorcycle drivers and passengers under 21 must wear a helmet. Helmets must be approved by the Department of Highways and Public Transportation and be equipped with either a neck or chin strap, and be ‘reflectorized on both sides.
South Dakota Motorcycle Helmet Laws
South Dakota’s motorcycle helmet laws were enacted in 2003. The law requires all motorcycle drivers and passengers under 18 to wear a helmet. The helmet must comply with federal regulations. All drivers are required to wear eye protection unless their motorcycle has a windshield of sufficient height under the statutes.
Tennessee Motorcycle Helmet Laws
In Tennessee, the law requires that you wear a motorcycle helmet at all times. If you are under 21 years old, you must wear a helmet with a minimum of three vents. The law states that you must be wearing your helmet if you are a driver or passenger on a motorcycle. If you are 21 or older, you can choose to wear a different helmet, but you must be wearing the helmet. If you are not wearing a helmet, you can be fined $50.
You might not know this, but Tennessee motorcycle laws state that these helmets must have a label that says the helmet complies with the requirements of the American Society for Testing Materials, the Consumer Product Safety Commission, the Southern Impact Research Center, or the Snell Foundation.
Texas Motorcycle Helmet Laws
Helmets are required for all drivers and passengers of motorcycles. Those 21 and older who have successfully completed an approved motorcycle operator training and safety course or are covered by a health insurance plan providing at least $10, 000 in medical benefits for injuries incurred while operating the motorcycle can drive the bike without wearing a helmet. Helmets must meet the safety standards of the state’s Department of Public Safety.
Vermont Motorcycle Helmet Laws
The state of Vermont has passed laws requiring motorcycle riders to wear helmets. If you’re a motorcycle rider, you must wear a helmet. The helmet must be approved by the Commissioner of the Department of Motor Vehicles. It also must be equipped with either a neck or chin strap.
Utah Motorcycle Helmet Laws
The most important thing to remember is that in Utah, motorcycle drivers and passengers under 18 must wear a helmet. The helmets must comply with the standards established by the United States Department of Transportation (DOT).
Virginia Motorcycle Helmet Laws
There are a number of laws that govern the use of motorcycles in Virginia. One of the most important is the law that requires all riders and passengers to wear a helmet. This law was put in place in order to protect the driver and other riders on the road. If you are riding a motorcycle in Virginia, it’s important that you wear a helmet because of this law. It is also important to note that all riders must wear eye protection.
Washington Motorcycle Helmet Laws
Washington law requires that all motorcyclists wear helmets, and it’s up to them to make sure they do.
The Washington State Department of Transportation has released new rules on motorcycle helmets, effective January 1, 2015. All motorcycle drivers and passengers must wear a helmet that meets the standards set by the Department of Transportation. Helmets must be fitted with a chin or neck strap that is secured properly and must have a label showing the year the helmet was manufactured.
Washington, D.C. Motorcycle Helmet Laws
D. C. motorcycle helmet laws were first enacted in 1995. These laws require motorcycle drivers and passengers to wear helmets. Helmets must be approved by the Director of the Department of Motor Vehicles or must meet ANSI standards.
The motorcycle law is a bit of a pain for some people. But, the law is there for a reason. In fact, it’s for the safety of the rider and others on the road. When riding your motorcycle, make sure you wear a helmet and that it meets the legal requirements.
All motorcycle drivers must also wear goggles or a face shield, unless the bike is equipped with a windscreen, or unless the operator wears eyeglasses with safety glass lenses.
West Virginia Motorcycle Helmet Laws
In West Virginia, a motorcycle helmet must meet certain standards. To do so, the helmet must be designed to deflect blows and resist penetration and spread impact forces. The law also requires helmets to meet current performance specifications established by federal law, the ANSI Standard Z 90.1 or Snell Safety Standards for Protective Headgear for Vehicle Users.
If you are a motorcycle rider or passenger, you should always wear a helmet.
Wisconsin Motorcycle Helmet Laws
The Wisconsin Department of Safety and Professional Services has issued new rules for motorcycle helmets that went into effect July 1st, 2010. The new rule requires all riders under 18 to wear a helmet. Riders with an instructional permit are also required to wear a helmet, regardless of age.
Wyoming Motorcycle Helmet Laws
Wyoming law requires that all motorcyclists under the age of 18 wear a helmet when riding. The Wyoming State Legislature enacted laws in 2011 requiring motorcycle helmet use for all riders and passengers under 18 years.
Is It Illegal To Ride A Motorcycle Without A Helmet?
The reason why most states require motorists to wear helmets when riding on the highway is to protect the heads of other drivers who might be hit by a falling motorcycle. It is not legal to ride a motorcycle without wearing a helmet. However, this is not the same for passengers on motorcycles.
If you are a beginner rider, it is always good to wear a helmet. It will protect your head and brain from injuries. But if you are already a seasoned rider, it is important to wear a helmet. Wearing a helmet can save your life when you are involved in an accident.
The law may be different from state to state, so it is important to check the laws in your area. It’s also a good idea to get a motorcycle license so you can comply with the law.